
event Details
The Gallery’s Lunar New Year festival returns on Saturday 1 February! We are thrilled to welcome back the spectacular Tung Tek lion dancers who will be performing on our forecourt. You can also participate in a programme of family-focused workshops inspired by delicious yee sang curated by Rosabel Tan, view and learn more about resources on Asian art and artists, and have a go at making some calligraphy snake keepsakes.
Talented musicians Iris Zhang and Raging Flowers will perform live sets, followed by some chilled vibes courtesy of EDY and Sam Nakamura on our East Terrace.
We are also excited to welcome Asian in Aotearoa for a live recorded panel discussion and spoken word performances delivered by local literary stars, curated by Nathan Joe. Oh, and there will also be bubble tea! Bring your friends and whānau along for an unforgettable day of activities, workshops and performances!
Also head head to the Midtown Street Party in the Lorne Street to celebrate the Lunar New Year!
This FREE summer street festival transforms one of Auckland's favourite dining precincts into a vibrant celebration of Asian kai, cultures and communities.
Head over the road to join in the fun and grab a bite to eat on the street from 11am–9pm.
Lunar New Year Festival 2025 is proudly supported by Auckland Council and the city centre targeted rate.
奥克兰美术馆的农历新年庆祝活动将于二月一日星期六回归!我们很高兴再次邀请技艺高超的同德醒狮团( Tung Tek lion dancers )在美术馆前庭表演狮舞。除此之外,你可以参与由Rosabel Tan策划的以美味的捞鱼生为灵感,着眼于家庭的工作坊;阅览并进一步了解有关亚洲艺术和亚裔艺术家的资料;更可尝试创作以蛇为主题的书法纪念品。
才华横溢的音乐人Iris Zhang 和Raging Flowers将在美术馆的东庭(East Terrace)进行现场表演;在她们之后,EDY 和Sam Nakamura会为你带来轻松休闲的乐曲。
我们也很高兴邀请到 Asian in Aotearoa向大家呈现现场录制的,由Nathan Joe策划、本地文坛明星参与的座谈会与语言艺术表演。
为庆祝农历新年,与美术馆相邻的Lorne Street也在今天举办了市中心街头派对(Midtown Street Party)!
2025农历新年庆祝活动荣幸地获得来自奥克兰市议会(Auckland Council)和城市中心目标值(the city centre targeted rate)的支持。
- Date
- Location
- Entire gallery
- Cost
- Free