Susan Wilson

After Bronzino

After Bronzino by Susan Wilson

Artwork Detail

New Zealand-born Susan Wilson has long had an interest in Italian and Spanish Renaissance and Baroque painting, but has only recently gone back to printmaking. She says ‘I have been printing again, making etchings with drypoint for I now want to explore the line, having taught drawing at a postgraduate level in the UK for the past ten years. Agnolo Bronzino’s Boy with a Lute (Uffizi Gallery, Florence) completely captured my imagination when I saw it, I have always liked Titian’s portraits of young men – newly active in the world and the workplace with glove in hand, fresh faced, lightly bearded – and have often made drawings of them.

Not only this, but when my son went away to University I wanted to explore how I felt on his departure and the print After Bronzino was how I did it. I tried not to let myself feel any sadness or regret, I thought it was time he flew on his own, but the Bronzino captured for me the poignancy of the moment. I do the whole process myself and they are very much artist prints, not studio editions.' (Susan Wilson, 2014)

After Bronzino
Susan Wilson
Production date
etching with drypoint on Hahnemuehle paper
390 x 265 mm
Credit line
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, purchased 2014
Accession no
Copying restrictions apply
New Zealand Art
Display status
Not on display

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