Waiata Manahau

 —  1–2pm

event Details

Ko Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori tēnei nō reira piri mai ki a mātou mō tēnei kaupapa, mō Waiata Manahau. He kaupapa ngahau e ako waiata ai koe i te taha o ō hoa, tō whānau me te tangata tauhou anō hoki. Mā mātou ngā whārangi e whakarite, heoi anō tāu, he tae noa mai, he kuhu mai.

He mea pai te waiata hei whakapakari i tō reo. E tino whai hononga ana tēnei mea te rangi me tēnei mea te mahara. Mā te tūtapa kupu me te hokinga o te mahara e whakanake ai te reo e ako nei koe i a koe ka ako mā te puoro. Waihoki, he tino NGAHAU!

He mātanga whakaako reo waiata a Hinekoia Tomlinson (Bachelor of Music, Honours) nō Ngāti Hine, nō Whakatōhea me Ngāti Awa. He nui ōna pūkenga me ōna wheako ki ngā mahi whakaako reo waiata, ā, e mahi tahi nei ki ngā kaiwaiata takitahi, me ngā rōpu nui, tae atu ki ngā rōpu kapa haka e whakataetae ana ki Te Matatini.

Nā Hinekoia te kaupapa nei a Waiata Mai Vocal Coaching, ka mutu, he wāhi haumaru tēnei kua whakaritea e ia hei āhuru mōwai mō te tangata e whakanake ai tōna reo me tōna māia ki te waiata me te haka. Ko ia tētahi o te tokowhā i Aotearoa nei I whakawhiwhia ki te tohu o Estill Master Trainer. He kaupapa pūtaiao, he kaupapa whaiaroaro reo a Estill e whakamahia ana hei taera whakaako e whakahāngaitia ana ki ngā momo waiata, kapa haka, kōrero anō hoki.

Nānā anō tōna reo i ako, ā, e aroha nui ana ki te kapa haka, ki te ako i te reo Māori, ki te waiata tahi hoki ki tōna whānau.

Join us for Waiata Manahau this Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. A fun and friendly way to learn waiata with friends, family and complete strangers. We’ll have song lyrics ready – just turn up and join in!

Singing is a great way to practise your reo – melody and memory are strongly linked, and word identification and memory recall improve when you learn through music. Plus it’s FUN!

Hinekoia Tomlinson (Bachelor of Music, Honours) of Ngāti Hine, Whakatōhea and Ngāti Awa is a highly trained, experienced vocal coach and performer working with individual singers as well as large groups, including kapa haka teams competing at a national level in Te Matatini.

The owner of Waiata Mai Vocal Coaching, Hinekoia provides an āhuru mōwai, a safe space to develop vocal technique and vocal confidence and to engage with te reo Māori through waiata and haka. She is one of just four people in Aotearoa to hold the qualification of Estill Master Trainer. Estill is a science and voice physiology-based approach to vocal coaching that can be applied to all genres of singing, kapa haka and spoken voice.

She is a self-professed voice nerd and loves watching kapa haka, learning te reo Māori and jamming with her whānau.   


  • Saturday 14 Sep: 1–2pm
  • Saturday 21 Sep: 1–2pm

Photo credits: First image - Tom Hollow | Second image - Aorewa Creative. 

North Atrium