Shout Whisper Wail! The 2017 Chartwell Show


event Details

Explore how 11 contemporary New Zealand and Australian artists use ‘voice’ – and indeed who they speak to – in this triennial exhibition dedicated to the Chartwell Trust, whose important collection of contemporary art has been under the guardianship of Auckland Art Gallery for 20 years.

Shout Whisper Wail! The 2017 Chartwell Show looks at how an artist might use forms of performance, sound, music or the tools of rhetoric to activate the idea of an audience within their work. 

The exhibition features new commissions by emerging New Zealand artists Juliet Carpenter and Biljana Popovic; a new installation by Auckland-based Janet Lilo; the first new work shown at the Gallery in 12 years by Jacqueline Fraser; and a new work by Australian artist Stuart Ringholt.

There are recent acquisitions not previously shown at the Gallery by New Zealand artists Luke Willis Thompson, Julian Dashper, et al. in collaboration with composer Samuel Holloway, Alicia Frankovich, and Australian artist Marco Fusinato.

Curated by
Natasha Conland
Level 2 exhibition spaces
Free entry

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