Opening weekend of Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy 郭培 :时装之幻梦

 —  10–5pm

event Details

Come along to Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki to celebrate the opening of Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy 郭培:时装之幻梦 and enjoy a weekend of fashion, food and performances – and even an appearance from Guo Pei herself!

On Saturday from 2–3pm, join us for a special talk with Margaret Young-Sanchez, the Gallery’s coordinating curator of the exhibition, to hear more about the personal stories and meticulous craft behind Guo Pei’s fantastical garments. On both days, at 12pm, enjoy an exhilarating performance by Mulan Boxing Association. If your kids love Chinese fairytales, bring them along on Saturday at 11am & 12:45pm for english storytelling sessions with Angela Wang.

On Sunday, join us for an exclusive conversation between Guo Pei and Fashion and Creative Director of Viva and NZ Herald, Dan Ahwa. Book your tickets as they are limited! 

奥克兰美术馆邀请您一起庆祝Guo Pei: Fashion, Art, Fantasy郭培:时装之幻梦的开幕。您将在整个周末尽享时装、美食和表演——郭培本人更会亲临现场!

欢迎您在周六下午2点到3点加入奥克兰美术馆协调策展人Margaret Young的特别讲座,进一步了解郭培那些梦幻时装背后的个人故事和极致技艺。 周六和周日下午12点到1点,则有木兰拳协会(Mulan Boxing Association)为您带来技惊四座的表演。如果您的孩子喜爱中国神话故事,请带着他们一起参加分别于周六上午11点与下午12点45分开始的由 Angela Wang 以英文主讲的故事会。

在周日,我们邀请您加入郭培与Viva 专刊和NZ Herald的时尚创意总监Dan Ahwa的独家座谈。活动人数有限,购票请从速. 

Margaret Young

Before joining Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki in January 2020, Margaret Young gained extensive experience in museum administration and curation. At the Denver Art Museum she served as director of collection services during the planning phase for the Daniel Libeskind-designed Hamilton Building. She was chief curator during the building’s installation and oversaw a dramatic expansion of the exhibition schedule.

As the Frederick and Jan Mayer Curator of Pre-Columbian Art at DAM, she led an active programme of research, publications, and exhibitions, including Tiwanaku: Ancestors of the Inca (2004), and Marajó: Ancient Ceramics from the Mouth of the Amazon (2011). Her final Denver project was the major exhibition Brilliant: Cartier in the 20th Century (2014). In 2018 she curated Cartier: The Exhibition for the National Gallery of Australia in Canberra.

Margaret Young 在她于2020年1月加入奥克兰美术馆之前,就已在博物馆的行政和策展领域积累了丰富的经验。 在丹尼尔•里伯斯金所设计的丹佛艺术博物馆汉密尔顿楼(Hamilton Building)还处于筹建阶段时,Margaret 担任了博物馆的藏品总监。之后,她作为总策展人,部署了艺术品在全新建筑里的布置安装,更确保了展览大幅且稳步的扩张。作为

专攻前哥伦布时期南美洲艺术的策展人,她带领团队积极筹办了与此相关的各项研究、出版及展览,其中包括《蒂亚瓦纳科:印加的祖先》(Tiwanaku: Ancestors of the Inca)(2004年)和《马拉若:来自亚马孙河口的古陶器》( Marajó: Ancient Ceramics from the Mouth of the Amazon)(2011年). Margaret 在丹佛艺术博物馆策划的最后一个项目是名为《光芒四射:20世纪的卡地亚》(Brilliant: Cartier in the 20th Century )(2014年)的大型展览。2018年,她在坐落于堪培拉的澳大利亚国家美术馆策划了《卡地亚:特展》(Cartier: The Exhibition).

Mulan Boxing

Association Mulan Boxing Association Incorporation is a non-profit organisation, which was established in 2006 by Mei Yao, is an enthusiastic Mulan Taichi trainer. For the past two decades, Mulan Boxing Association has been aiming to provide the community with free opportunities to practise traditional Chinese martial arts, to not only help the body balance but also the immune system. They have two qualified trainers. They participate in a lot of community activities, for example at local libraries and rest homes, and also in cultural activities including the Moon Festival and Lantern Festival.

木兰拳协会(Mulan Boxing Association Incorporation)是由热心的木兰拳教练Mei Yao于2006年创办的非营利组织。在过去20年间,木兰拳协会旨在为社区提供免费练习中华传统武术的机会,以此提升习武者的身体平衡能力并增强他们的免疫力。协会有两名资深教练,他们不仅活跃于社区图书馆、养老院,更积极参与中秋节和元宵节的诸多文化活动. 

Image credits: Guo Pei image - © Guo Pei. Courtesy of Guo Pei | Mulan Boxing image - Courtesy of Mulan Boxing Association | Gelato image - Courtesy of Lalele 

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