Youth Media Internship

This dynamic, exciting, project-based learning experience introduces 16–18 year olds to life behind the scenes at Auckland Art Gallery. It develops interpersonal and creative thinking skills in a professional environment, and allows participants to meet new people, make friends and have fun! 

During each Youth Media Internship, twelve young people from across Auckland and aged between 16–18 work in groups to ask a question and create a three-minute film about the Gallery. Watch a video by mentors from the 2014 Youth Media Internship

The Youth Media Internship is offered in collaboration with AUT Colab and made possible through the Joyce Fisher Charitable Trust.

How to become a Youth Media Intern

Please email us for more information on the next internship.



If you're a student working on a project for school or university – or simply want to find out more about the Gallery and our artists – our E H McCormick Research Library is a rich resource.