Centred around the Toi Tū Toi Ora: Contemporary Māori Art exhibition, held at the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki in 2020–21, this new bi-lingual resource developed by CORE Education and Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki introduces ākonga to contemporary Māori artists and art and their contexts. The resource consists of 12 illustrated activity cards designed to engage tamariki with hands-on activities inspired by contemporary Māori art and a kaiako guide providing cultural contexts for the artworks and suggestions for extension ideas. The teaching and learning resource is intended for use by kaiako and ākonga in Years 1–3 (NZCL 1–2) and can be adapted to reach higher learning levels.
He kaupapa tēnei e hāngai pū ana ki a Toi Tū Toi Ora: Contemporary Māori Art exhibition i tū ai ki Toi o Tāmaki: Auckland Art Gallery i te 2020-21. Kua whakaahutia tēnei rauemi reo-rua e CORE Education me Toi o Tāmaki: Auckland Art Gallery hei whakatūtaki, hei whakamōhio anō hoki i te ākonga ki ngā Ringatoi Māori, ki ngā ngā mahi toi Māori me ō rātou horopaki. 12 ngā kāri whakatauira hei whakamahi mā te tamariki, hei kapo ake hoki i rātou kia mahi ai i ēnei mahi. I ahu mai te whakaaro me te hiringa i ngā Ringatoi Māori o nāianei. Kei te pukapuka kaiako ngā horopaki ahurea mō ngā mahi toi, otirā, kei te pukapuka anō ngā whakaaranga whakawhānui whakaaro. E mea ana tēnei rauemi kia whakamahia e te kaiako me te tauira kei waenga i ngā tau 1-3 (NZCL 1-2), waihoki, e taea te urutau ake kia eke ki ngā taumata ako teitei.