<p>The entrance to the new Te Uru building, designed by <a href="http://www.mitchellstoutarchitects.co.nz/te-uru-waitakere-gallery/" target="_blank">Mitchell &amp; Stout Architects</a>.</p>

The entrance to the new Te Uru building, designed by Mitchell & Stout Architects.

Te Uru is West Auckland's regional gallery, presenting contemporary art and design programmes that inspire, engage and challenge.

Te Uru is an institution rooted locally in West Auckland but globally minded. The gallery has a distinctive West Auckland focus but a national and international perspective. After an extensive redevelopment programme, Te Uru reopened in November 2014 in a new state-of-the-art building that offers extraordinary exhibition experiences and spectacular views of the surrounding area.

Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery
420 Titirangi Road

Ph 09 817 8087


Open seven days 
10am to 4.30pm

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