Mānawatia a Matariki!

Ko te mahutatanga o Matariki ki te rangi e tohu ana i te tau hou Māori – He wā hokinga mahara, he wā whakahou, he wā whakanui anō hoki.

He pūrākau, he kōrero kei tēnā, kei tēnā o ngā whetū e iwa o Matariki. Mātakihia tēnei kiriata kia ako ai i ngā whetū me te whakamāramatanga o Matariki.

Tēnā, haria mai tō whānau ki te whare toi, ka piri mai ai ki a mātou ki te whakanui i a Matariki ā te 14 o Hōngongoi. Tirohia te whānuitanga o ngā taipitopito ki konei.

Mānawatia a Matariki!

The appearance of Matariki in the sky signals the Māori New Year – a time of reflection, renewal and celebration.

Each of the nine stars within the Matariki cluster tells a different story. Watch this video to learn more about the stars and the meaning of Matariki.

Then, bring your whānau to the Gallery and join us in celebrating Matariki on Friday 14 July. More info on our website here.