In August 2021, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki received Rainbow Tick accreditation. This multi-coloured marker represents a significant milestone in our journey towards becoming a more welcoming and inclusive place for staff and visitors.
We’re proud to be – to our knowledge – the the first public art gallery in Aotearoa New Zealand to be Rainbow Tick certified and to join other certified cultural organisations within New Zealand.
The Rainbow Tick is an external audit and quality improvement programme designed to support organisations in being safe, embracing and inclusive places for people of diverse gender identity and sexual orientation. Achieving the Rainbow Tick involves the completion of a rigorous Diversity and Inclusion assessment process. In gaining the Rainbow Tick, Auckland Art Gallery has demonstrated compliance with all five areas of evaluation: Policies, Staff Training, Staff Engagement and Support, External Engagement and Monitoring.
And in September 2021, Auckland Art Gallery joined the Safe Space Alliance as a safe space. A safe space is a space where the LGBTQI+ community can freely express themselves without fear. It is a space that does not tolerate violence, bullying or hate speech towards the LGBTQI+ community.
We are proud to be part of the Rainbow Tick community and the Safe Space Alliance.
About Rainbow Tick
The Rainbow Tick was introduced in New Zealand in 2014 and is a respected external audit and quality improvement programme designed to ensure that an organisation is a safe, welcoming and inclusive place for people of diverse gender identity and sexual orientation.
The term “rainbow” encompasses people who identify with LGBTQI+ communities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, takatāpui and intersex.
The Rainbow tick programme is a process of improvement and allows organisations to understand what they are doing well in relation to their Rainbow employees, as well as where they need to improve.
To earn the Rainbow Tick, businesses and organisations must show that their policies specifically mention LGBTQI+ communities. They must have procedures in place to handle cases of harassment, appropriate staff support and ways of engaging with communities outside of the workplace.
About Safe Space Alliance
The Safe Space Alliance is a LGBTQI+ led non-profit organisation that aims to help people identify, navigate and create safe spaces for the LGBTQI+ community worldwide. Being part of the Safe Space Alliance is being part of a global and collaborative safe space community.
Anyone anywhere in the world with a genuine interest in creating safe spaces for the LGBTQI+ community can list a safe space. All spaces regardless of size, location, and category/industry are welcomed and valued.
Safe Spaces at Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki (Statement)
Access to art for all and manaakitanga – caring for others – are things we value highly.
Whether visiting us on site or engaging with us online/digitally, we welcome all whānau, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, disability, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age or religion.
Violence, bullying or hate speech towards visitors, artists, presenters, performers, staff or any person engaging with us will not be tolerated.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments or attitudes related to sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion; deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of an exhibition, event, class or workshop; inappropriate physical contact; and unwelcome sexual attention.
We want you to feel as safe as possible whenever and wherever you spend time with us, and are proud to be part of the Safe Space Alliance. If something feels wrong to you, or if someone makes you feel unsafe, we want to know right away. You can contact any of our team or reach us on +64 9 307 7700 or at feedback@aucklandartgallery.com.
Haere mai, welcome!
Ngā Wāhi Haumaru i te Toi o Tāmaki (Kōrero)
Ka whai wāhi te katoa ki ngā toi me te manaakitanga. He mea nui tēnei ki a mātou.
Ki te toro mai koe ā-kanohi, ā-ipurangi hoki, ka pōhiri mātou i ngā whānau katoa, ahakoa te aronga taera, tuakiri ā-ira, whakaputa ira, taihemahema, whaikaha, tangongitanga hinengaro, āhua, rahi, mātāwaka, iwi, pakeke, whakapono rānei.
E kore rawa e whakaae te tūkino, te whakaweti, te kōrero kino rānei ki ngā manuhiri, ngā ringatoi, ngā kaiwhakapuaki, kaiwhakangahau, kaimahi, tētahi rānei e hono ana ki a mātou.
He whakatīwheta ngā mahi nei, engari kāore e noho ki ēnei mea anake: ngā kōrero me ngā waiaro kino e pā ana ki te aronga taera, tuakiri ā-ira, whakaputa ira, taihemahema, whaikaha, āhua, rahi, iwi, whakapono; te whakawehi, whakamokamoka, whai, whakahōhā ki te hopu whakaahua, rikoata rānei; te tutū tonu i ngā whakaaturanga, kaupapa, karaehe, papamahi rānei; te pā tinana mēnā kāore i whakaae; me te mahi whakaito.
Kia haumaru rawa koe i ngā wāhi katoa, i ngā wā katoa ki tō mātou taha. Kua hono mātou ki te Safe Space Alliance. Mēnā he āwangawanga ōu, ka raru rānei i tētahi, me whakamōhio mai. Whakapā mai ki tō mātou tira mā te nama +64 9 307 7700, mā te īmērā feedback@aucklandartgallery.com rānei.