Charles F Goldie

Sweet Idleness

Sweet Idleness by Charles F Goldie

Artwork Detail

Rahapa Hinetapu was a Te Arawa chieftainess. Her earrings or kuru-pounamu are made from New Zealand greenstone and Māori women wore these as part of their daily dress. The shape is that of the inanga or the indigenous whitebait; a juvenile fish and appreciated delicacy to Māori and Pakeha.

A hole bored at the top of the earrings also doubled as an eye as well as an attachment for a suspension cord. (Chic Colonials: Ataahua, 2003)

Sweet Idleness
Charles F Goldie
Production date
oil on canvas
406 x 358 mm
Credit line
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, on loan from a private collection
Accession no
Copying restrictions apply
New Zealand Art
Display status
Not on display

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